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How to introduce menopause in the workplace - for HR professionals
With the topic of menopause still growing on the workplace wellbeing agenda, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to introducing the topic. This short talk from Sophie, will answer some of the most frequently asked questions on this subject.
68 learners
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10 min
Video duration -
10 min
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Sophie Cartledge
Specialisation: Menopause
Sophie Cartledge is a certified menopause trainer and coach and founder of Hormones on the blink. With lived experience of peri-menopause, she is passionate about removing the taboo surrounding menopause and creating space for open conversation both in and out of the workplace.
Recently recognised for her work in the community and supporting local businesses, Sophie received the Emerging business award at the Inspirational women of Portsmouth awards - 2023.
Recently recognised for her work in the community and supporting local businesses, Sophie received the Emerging business award at the Inspirational women of Portsmouth awards - 2023.